Safari Lodges Digital Indemnities and paperless check-in options

If you are searching for Safari Lodge Digital Indemnities and paperless check-in options, you are on the correct page. 1Tick offers a very affordable and easy to implement digital solution for lodges, safari camps and other accommodation establishments. 1 Tick can convert any current paper forms into a professional and easy to use online solution.

A Safari lodge vacation has inherent risks due to the proximity of dangerous wildlife and the activities offered at these venues. Most lodges or accommodation establishments in Southern and East Africa expect the clients to sign a waiver or indemnity on arrival. Up to now this was mostly done on paper, due to the environmental impact of this, most lodges have moved to an online solution.

Within minutes of signing up with 1Tick you will have your guests completing a digital form that is legible to the reservations staff and portrays an image of competency and professionalism to your clients, assisting in making them feel at ease in this strange new environment.

All data is securely stored and easily accessible to all departments, including marketing, accounts, and management for quick analytics, research and referencing.

Join the many hotels and lodges in South Africa already using and enjoy the paperless experience. Have I mentioned already how good it is for the environment?